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Frequently Asked Questions

In the following section you can find answers to common questions.

In case your question is not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mountain icon

Common Questions

Answers to Common Questions

  1. Why does Mountain complain about a missing license file?

    The problem occurs due to a certificate issue. This article tells you how to fix it.

  2. Is Mountain ready for OS X El Capitan?

    In principle Mountain works with OS X El Capitan.

    Some people are reporting a high cpu load or an empty volume list after updating to OS X 10.11.

    - These issues are resolved after a reboot of your Mac.

    Some people are reporting that the 'Remount USB Storages' command does not work properly.

    - We are working on an update that will fix this issue, too.

  3. How can I disable the news window on Mountain startup?

    In case you have migrated to our direct sales version you may disable the news window in the preferences.

    hide news screenshot
  4. Why does the Mac App Store fail to download Mountain?

    Mountain failed to download

    Before you install Mountain from the Mac App Store please make sure that every other bundle is completely removed from your Mac. To do this open the Finder and search for '' in all file names. Move all bundles in the trash and make sure to empty the trash afterwards. Now you should be able to install Mountain from the Mac App Store.

  5. What is the current version and where can I find a change log?

    The current version number as well as a change log of all versions can be found here.

  6. How can I eject all volumes in a group?

    To eject all volumes in a group (e.g. Removable Volumes) click on the symbol next to the group label.

  7. How can I migrate my Mac App Store version to the direct sales version?

    Please follow the migration guide.

  8. I successfully migrated to the direct sales version but when I run Mountain as a different user it only runs in trial mode.

    Please download Mountain again from the Mac App Store and run it as the different user at least once. Afterwards the direct sales version will run with no limitations. In other words you need to redo the migration for the different user.
    (For experts another option is to copy the contend of the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Mountain to the equivalent folder of the different user.)

  9. After upgrading to a new Mac the direct sales version of Mountain runs in trial mode. What can I do?

    Please install the Mac App Store version first and run it once. Afterwards the direct sales version will run without limitations. (In general you may follow the migration guide.)

  10. How can I force blocking applications to quit?

    In the dialog window that shows blocking applications, press and hold the option key. Buttons will appear "Force Quit".

  11. Why doesn't Mountain allow me to unmount internal hard drives?

    Unmounting internal hard drives does not comply with apples sandboxing rules. Please migrate your Mac App Store version to our direct sales version. It will allow you to unmount internal drives.

  12. Why doesn't my USB hard drive spin down after unmounting with Mountain?

    Please try to enable "Eject whole drive when external media is unmounted" in the advanced preferences.

  13. I replaced the DVD drive in my MacBook with a 2nd hard drive. Why does it not spin down after unmounting with Mountain?

    Please try to enable "Eject whole drive when internal media is unmounted" in the advanced preferences.

  14. I replaced the DVD drive in my MacBook with a 2nd hard drive. What can I do to make it spin down when the system recovers from sleep?

    Please enable "Detach all unmounted volumes on wake from sleep" in the advanced preferences.

  15. Why does Mountain show the OS X Recovery HD?

    Most likely you have enabled "Show system volumes" in the general preferences.

  16. How can I remove Mountain and/or the helper tool from my Mac?

    To uninstall Mountain simply delete the bundle from your /Applications folder.

    To uninstall the Mountain helper tool download the Mountain Helper Uninstaller.

    In addition Mountain stores its preferences in a .plist file located here: ~/Library/Preferences/de.appgineers.Mountain.plist

    Mountain specific data is store in a folder located here: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Mountain

    You may also delete the .plist file and the Mountain folder from the Application Support directory.

  17. Why does my hard drive does not spin down after being unmounted anymore?

    Please try a SMC reset to solve this issue.